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rita 考经--献给准备考PMP的兄弟姐妹们


1. Keys to answering PMI's questions:

   Understand the material cold. Do not assume this exam tests memorization; it tests knowledge, application and analysis! You must understand the items in this book, how they are used in the real world and how they work in combination with each other.

   Have real-world experience using all the major project management techniques.

   Read the PMBOK Guide.

   Understand the areas PMI emphasizes (PMI-isms,)

   Be familiar with the types of questions.

   Practice interpreting ambiguous and wordy questions.

   Practice being able to pick an answer from what appears to be two or three right answers.

   Get used to the idea that there will be questions you cannot answer.

2. Control the examdo not let it control you. How would you feel if you read the first question and had no idea of the answer? The second question? And the third question?

For many reasons, this is likely to occur! Here is what to do. If you do not immediately know the answer to the question, use the Mark for Review function and come back to it later. This will mean that your first pass through the exam will be generally quick. More prepared now. Imagine how good you will feel when all you have to do is go through a few questions that were confusing to you. Remember this. It could be a big stress reliever for you on the exam.

3. Control your frustration. You might very well dislike or disagree with some of the questions on this exam. You might also be surprised at how many questions you mark for review. If you are still thinking about question 20 when you reach question 120, there will have been 100 questions that you will not have looked at closely enough. Take care to control your frustration.

4. Answer the question from PMI's perspective, not the perspective you have acquired from your life experience. If this approach does not give you an answer, rely on your training and, lastly, your life experience.

5. First identify the actual question in the words provided (it is often the last sentence), then read the rest of the question. Note the topics discussed in the question and the descriptors (e.g., "except" "includes" "not an example of"). This should help you understand what the question is asking and reduce the need to reread questions. Determine what your answer should be, and then look at the answers shown.

6. One of the main reasons people answer incorrectly is because they do not read all four choices. Do not make the same mistake! Practice reading the questions and all four choices when you take the practice exams. It is best to practice reading the choices backwards (choice D first, then C, etc.). Practice in this area will help you select the BEST answer.

7. Practice quickly eliminating answers that are highly implausible. Many questions have only two plausible options and two obviously incorrect options.

8. There may be more than one "correct" answer to each question, but only one BEST answer. Practice looking for the BEST answer.

9. Be alert to the fact that information in one question is sometimes given away in another question. Write down things that you do not understand as you take the exam. Use any extra time at the end of the exam to go back to these questions

10. Attempts have been made to keep all choices the same length. Therefore, do not follow the old rule that the longest answer is the right one.

11. A concerted effort has been made to use "distracters"-choices that distract you from the correct answer. These are plausible choices that less knowledgeable people will pick. Distracters make it appear as though some questions have two or more right answers. To many people, it seems as though there are only shades of differences between the choices. Look for this type of question as you take practice exams.

12. Look for words like "first," "last," "next," "best," "never," "always," "except," "not," "most likely," "less likely," "primary," "initial," "most," etc. Make certain you clearly read the question, and take note of these words, or you will answer the question incorrectly! There are many questions that require you to really understand the process of project management and its real-world application.

13. Watch out for choices that are true statements but not the answer to the question.

14. Watch out for choices that contain common project management errors. They are intentionally there to determine if you really know project management. Therefore, you may not know that you answered a question incorrectly! Look for errors in your knowledge and practice as you go through this book. (See "Common Project

Management Errors and Pitfalls" list at the end of this chapter.)

15. Options that represent broad, sweeping generalizations tend to be incorrect, so be alert for "always," "never," "must," "completely" and so forth. Alternatively, choices that represent carefully qualified statements tend to be correct, so be alert for words such as "often," "sometimes," "perhaps," "may," and "generally."

16. When a question asks you to fill in a blank space, the correct answer may not be grammatically correct when inserted in the sentence.

17. As soon as you are given scratch paper when you arrive at the exam, write down anything you were having trouble remembering. This will free up your mind to handle questions once the information you are concerned about is written down.

18. Visit the exam site before your exam date to determine how long it will take to get there and to see what the testing room looks like. This is particularly helpful if you are a nervous test taker.

19. Just because you are taking an exam, do not expect the exam site to be quiet. A student from one of my PMP Exam Prep courses had a band playing outside the testing center for three hours. Others have had someone taking an exam that required intensive typing, and thus more noise, right next to them. Many testing sites will have earplugs or headphones available.

20. Look for the "rah, rah" answer (e.g., "The project manager is so important," "The WBS is so useful").

21. Take the night off before the exam to do something relaxing and get a little extra sleep. DO NOT STUDY! You will need time to process all you have learned so you can remember it when you take the exam.

22. Make sure you are comfortable during the exam. Wear layered clothing and bring a sweater to sit on in case the chairs are uncomfortable.

23. Bring snacks! Bring lunch! You will not be able to bring snacks into the exam room, but having them stored close by may stop hunger pains.

24. Use deep breathing techniques to help relax. This is particularly helpful if you are very nervous before or during the exam and when you notice yourself reading the same question two or three times.

25. Use all the exam time. Do not leave early unless you have reviewed each question twice.

26. Remember that it is okay to change your answers as long as you have a good reason.

27. Create a test-taking plan and stick to it. This may mean, "I will take a ten minute break after every 50 questions because I get tired quickly," or "I will answer all the questions as quickly as possible and then take a break and review my answers."

supertt 发表于 2007/7/5 8:49:00 阅读全文 | 回复(0) | 引用通告 | 编辑 | 收藏该日志

